The People

The Kingston Sheep Dog Trials Festival would not be possible without the help of so many talented individuals.

The Sheep Dog Trials Volunteers

Heather Nadelman, Kak Weathers, Mich Ferraro, Sue Schoen, Sally Molloy, Werner Reitboeck, Dave and Mary Ellen Young, Sandra Massie, Beverly Lambert, Tom Hoeber, Gord and Sheila Norris, Tara Dier, Mary Minor, Maria Mick, John Milloy, Louise Hadley, Cynthia Palmer, John Palmer, Teresa Castonguay, Helen Knibb, Susan Shipton, Petra Munro

Official Trials Veterinarian

Dr. Heather Sims, Sims Animal Hospital

Sheep Dog Trials Committee

Amanda Milliken, Chair; Karen Curtis, Director; Randy Scott, Director
City Staff: Jon Hayter, Mark Rodenhizer

Special thanks to the City of Kingston Special Events, Public Works, and Communications departments for their support each year. This event could not happen without them!